About the Journal | Editorial Board | Instructions for Authors | Subscriptions | Archives | Conference
About the Journal

The founding principle of the Journal of Universal Rejection (JofUR) is rejection. Universal rejection. That is to say, all submissions, regardless of quality, will be rejected. Despite that apparent drawback, here are a number of reasons you may choose to submit to the JofUR:

Editorial Board

Founder and Editor-in-Chief
Caleb Emmons, (Mathematics and Poetry).

Associate Editors
Michael Baranowski, Northern Kentucky University, USA (Political Science)
Sarah Bracking, University of Manchester, UK (Political Economy)
Lois A. Butcher-Poffley, Temple University, USA (Kinesiology and Sport Psychology)
Michael M. Chemers, Carnegie Mellon University, USA (Theatre and Performance Studies)
Eric Chicken, Florida State University, USA (Statistics)
David Deane, Atlantic School of Theology, Canada (Theology and Religious Studies)
Ramon P. DeGennaro, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, USA (Finance)
Matt J. Duffy, Kennesaw State University, USA (Communications)
Carsten Elbro, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (Linguistics)
David J. Elton, Auburn University, USA (Civil Engineering)
Jason Eriksen, University of Houston, USA (Pharmacology and Pharmacy)
Silvia Florea, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania (British and American Studies)
Omar Ha-Redeye, Ryerson University, Canada (Law)
Hanjo Hamann, Max Planck Institute Bonn, Germany (Jurisprudence)
Louise Heslop, Carleton University, Canada (Business)
Jeffrey Hoch, University of Toronto, Canada (Health Policy, Management and Evaluation)
Manfred J. Holler, Universität Hamburg, Germany (Economics)
Jeffrey Lacasse, Florida State University, USA (Social Work)
Charlotte P. Lee, University of Washington, USA (Human Centered Design & Engineering)
Samuel R. Lucas, University of California-Berkeley, USA (Sociology)
Sonia Lyris, (Short Fiction)
Karl Maton, University of Sydney, Australia (Education)
Alexander Maxwell, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (History)
Luca Moretti, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK (Philosophy)
Axel H. E. Müller, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Chemistry)
Judith Ogilvie, Saint Louis University, USA (Biology)
Karl M. Petruso, University of Texas at Arlington, USA (Archaeology)
Maurice Preter, Columbia University, USA (Clinical Psychiatry)
César A. Rodríguez-Rosari, Universität Bremen, Germany (Physics)
David W. Rosenthal, Miami University, USA (Marketing)
Daniele Scarpi, University of Bologna, Italy (Geology)
Charles M. Shub, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, USA (Computer Science)
Christophe Tzourio, University of Bordeaux 2, France (Neurology and Epidemiology)
Kip Williams, Purdue University, USA (Psychology)
Ghil'ad Zuckermann, University of Adelaide, Australia (Endangered Languages, Jewish Studies)

Instructions for Authors

The JofUR solicits any and all types of manuscript: poetry, prose, visual art, and research articles. You name it, we take it, and reject it. Your manuscript may be formatted however you wish. Frankly, we don't care.

After submitting your work, the decision process varies. Often the Editor-in-Chief will reject your work out-of-hand, without even reading it! However, he might read it. Probably he'll skim. At other times your manuscript may be sent to anonymous referees. Unless they are the Editor-in-Chief's wife or graduate school buddies, it is unlikely that the referees will even understand what is going on. Rejection will follow as swiftly as a bird dropping from a great height after being struck by a stone. At other times, rejection may languish like your email buried in the Editor-in-Chief's inbox. But it will come, swift or slow, as surely as death. Rejection.

Submissions should be emailed to j.universal.rejection@gmail.com. Small files only, please. Why not just send the first couple pages if it is long? If you are lucky, your eventual rejection letter will appear on the Journal's blog. Please let us know in your cover letter if you would not mind being identified, otherwise most identifying information will be redacted.


An individual subscription may be secured for $9,999.99 per year (one issue). Institutional and library subscriptions are also available; prices will be provided upon enquiry. It is unknown whether the subscription will be delivered in print or as electronic content, because no one has yet ordered one.



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